Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Clinic pays a visit to the DPP

.Re. The Visit to the DPP.
The AbsuLawclinic team on the 24th June 2016 paid an advocacy visit to the office of the Director of Public Prosecution in the Ministry of Justice, Umuahia, Abia State.
  The essence of this visit was to formally make a report of some cases of our clients at the LawClinic with missing case files at the record department of the prisons.
The DPP Miss Onukwube, promised her coperation in the search for the missing case files. She also lamented on the lack of will by the police to forward cases to her office for proper advice, as this has made her record keeping very herrculean. She  however requested that we go back to the prisons and enquire about the name of the prosecutor handling the case, and the court that issued the remand order, as that would make her job easier.
We promised to do this in due time.

As we aim to foster the release of this persons from detention as soon as practicable. These are some of the challenges we, as supplemetary legal aid workers face in the administration of criminal justice system in Nigeria:

Attached is a copy of the stamped letter we wrote to her office  for record purposes.

Its our duty to the community.


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